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ANKARA: Armenian President Urges Rapprochement With Turkey


Journal of Turkish Weekly
Feb 10 2010

Armenian President Serge Sarkisian said Tuesday that it was time for
progress in the Turkey-Armenia rapprochement and the establishment
of a stable region for future generations, in a plea to his Turkish
counterpart Abdullah Gul.

As his plane made its way through the Turkish air space en route to
England, Sarkisian told Russian news agency Itar-Tass that foreign
mediation in efforts to normalize relations between the two countries
was useful, noting however that it should not be overplayed.

"The leaders of the two countries are playing a very significant role
in promoting the atmosphere of mutual understanding among peoples of
Turkey and Armenia, and overcoming the cliches in the relations of
the two countries," said Sarkisian.

Sarkisian said his and his counterpart Gul’s faith and principled
stance would lead to success in the rapprochement process.

"Otherwise, hostile rhetoric and actions along with opposition to
the process may emerge. We need to realize that passing of time will
not make the process easier but on the contrary will make it more
difficult. As of now, we have carried the bilateral talks to a level
where normalized relations between the two countries, and a normalized
common future looks more vivid," said Sarkisian.

Turkey and Armenia have had no diplomatic ties or economic relations
since Turkey closed its border with Armenia due to a border dispute
in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in 1992. After lengthy
Swiss-mediated talks Turkey and Armenia signed two protocols in
October 2009, in order to normalize relations,

Under the protocol, Turkey and Armenia reconfirmed their commitment,
in their bilateral and international relations, to respect and ensure
respect for the principles of "equality, sovereignty, non-intervention
in internal affairs of other states, territorial integrity and
inviolability of frontiers."

The protocol on development of bilateral relations aims to facilitate
the development of relations between Turkey and Armenia in all fields
and the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border two months after the
protocol goes into effect.

Both Turkey and Armenian governments initiated the internal
ratification process.

The Turkish government sent the protocols to Parliament, as approval
is required in order for them to take effect. The Turkish government
says it will not open the border unless Armenia ends its occupation
of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Recently the Armenian Constitutional Court approved the protocols,
however, the tone of the court’s reasoned verdict drew criticism from
Turkey and Turkish officials voiced their uneasiness at various levels.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010 Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Hambardsumian Paul:
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