Azeris Run Away


The head of the ARF faction Vahan Hovhannisyan, assessing the
probability of the resumption of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
said that there is always a danger of war until there is no peace
agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He said that the point is
that the Azerbaijani people and the army are not ready for a war,
regardless the bellicose statements of the Azerbaijani government.

According to him, it is not important what the Azerbaijani government
propagates, the important is what people speak in their "kitchens".

In this relation, Vahan Hovhannisyan said that they have serious
information that a new flow of Azerbaijani youths is started into
Russian and Ukrainian cities. According to him, this means that with
each bellicose statement of Aliyev, a group of Azerbaijani youths
leaves because they would not like to serve in an army where officers
kill soldiers etc. As to Armenia, Vahan Hovhannisyan says to state
that Armenia is completely ready will not be right.