BAKU: Head Of Turkish Center For Strategic Studies Meets With Azerba


Feb 10 2010

Baku. Lachin Sultanova-APA. Head of Turkish Center for Strategic
Studies Jalal Jem Oguz met with Azerbaijani politicians at the Center
of Strategic Studies under Azerbaijani President. Oguz delivered a
speech on "Foreign policy of Turkey", APA reports.

The expert compared incumbent Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmad Davudoglu
with former counterpart Ismayil Jem, being on this post in 90th, and
noted that their activities coincide with each other by 90%. He told
that there isn’t a radical change in Turkish policy and that Turkish
policy based on 3 principles. They are expansion of cooperation with
Turkic World, Moslem World and the West. Oguz spoke about reasons why
his country wants to join the Europe Union, the EU’s needs in this
region, protocols on normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations. He
noted that Turkey signed the protocols with Armenia under the pressure
of the West, and the US has increased pressure on this lately: "Turkey
has made two terms for opening borders with Armenia – Armenia has to
stop its territorial claims against Turkey and put an end to Nagorno
Karabakh conflict".

Head of Center of Strategic Studies Elkhan Nuriyev noted that Ahmad
Davudoglu’s appointment caused revolution in Turkey’s foreign policy.

He spoke about its influence on Central Asia and South Caucasus.

Chief of Democratic Reforms Party Asim Mollazadeh noted that Russia
is more interested in the opening of Turkey-Armenia borders than the
West: "If the borders are opened, projects will not work, Georgia
will be destroyed". Touching upon the so-called "Armenian genocide",
Mollazadeh noted that if the US Congress recognizes it, the US itself
will lose, but not Turkey.

Politicial scientist Vafa Guluzadeh told that he was surprised, when
Turkish Prime Minister Racab Tayyib Erdogan wanted help from the
NATO’s enemy Russia in construction of the nuclear power station in
Turkey during his visit to Moscow.

Touching upon the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Guluzadeh stated that OSCE
Minsk Group doesn’t make efforts to resolve this conflict, the purpose
is to split first Azerbaijan and then Turkey: "Turkey had to have its
nuclear weapon so far. From this view point, Iran is on a right way".