Construction Of Armenia-Iran Railway To Stimulate Bilateral Turnover


FEBRUARY 10, 2010

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The ARMEX 2010 international
economic forum on the subject "The Investment and Trade Opportunities
in Armenia" is being held in Iran on February 9-10. The purpose
of the event is to present those sectors of the Armenian economy
which have much potential for investment, as well as to find new
opportunities for cooperation. According to spokeswoman for the RA
minister of transport and communication Susanna Tonoyan, Minister
Gurgen Sargsyan stated this in his speech at the forum.

Speaking about investment projects, G. Sargsyan dwelled on the
transport and communication sectors, noting that they play a great
role in the development of Armenia’s economy. The minister pointed
out the construction projects of the North-South motorway and the
Armenia-Iran railway.

Accoridng to him, the creation of direct railway communication between
the two friendly countries will stimulate the bilateral turnover
of goods, as well as will link the largest ports of the Persian
Gulf and the Black Sea with each other, opening an opportunity to
considerably increase the transit importance of both Armenia and
Iran. The construction of the North-South motorway will help improve
the quality and capacity of the motorway from the city of Meghri that
borders Iran to the Georgian ports of Poti and Batumi.

The minister presented in detail the implementation process of the
two projects and expressed a willingness to discuss the issue of
Iranian companies’ participation in all stages of these projects.