European Armenians’ Letter To Davutoglu

By Hovik Afyan



Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe addresses an open letter
to the Foreign Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu saying, "During
the two presentations you gave in London this January, in answer to
the questions put forward to you by the representative of the Forum
of Armenian Associations of Europe (FAAE), you stated twice that
Turkey was not prepared to ratify the Turkey-Armenia protocols if
Armenians did not give up their campaign for the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide of 1915 and return to Azerbaijan the territories
liberated by blood during the war. Thus, the very fact numerous
Armenian organisations in Europe and around the world pointed out –
i.e. that despite the fact that Armenia respecting the agreement
did not incorporate any preconditions within the protocols, whereas
Turkey breaching the agreement will attempt to create preconditions
both for the Genocide as well as an issue between a third country
and Armenia – has today turned out to be accurate. Hence Turkey
is not prepared to stop the blockade of the Armenian border and is
not prepared to establish good relations as a normal neighbour and
a country adhering to European standards and thus resolve problems
accumulated over a century with its important neighbour. Meanwhile,
Turkey presents itself as a country following the path to democracy
with great ambitions having taking upon itself the important role of
resolving many of the key issues in the region". "…if Turkey does
not ratify the Armenian-Turkish protocols in the next few weeks,
the international community will objectively assess that fact and
the European Armenian organisations will enhance even further their
struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by more and
more countries, thus enlarging the geography of countries that have
recognised the Armenian Genocide. What is more, the FAAE will review
its position on Turkey’s accession to the EU and will take a firm
decision against it", the letter stated.

But one thing is unclear – why the European Armenians’ organizations
continue their traditions of blackmailing Turkey with the Armenian
Genocide and what prevents them, and not only them, from widening
the geography of the genocide’s internationalization parallel to
the Armenian-Turkish processes, when the dialogue between the two
countries may set up a base for it.