Categories: News

We Despise The War: Serzh Sargsyan


Feb 10 2010

Armenia did not participate in creation of security zone, said RA
President Serzh Sargsyan after delivering a speech in Chatham House
— Royal Institute of International Affairs, NEWS.am correspondent
reports from London.

"Even the UN Security Council resolutions say that warfare is conducted
between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh population. UNSC had repeatedly
called Azerbaijan to stop military operations, but Baku put no value
on these statements and presently we have things the way they are,"
Sargsyan replied to Azerbaijani European Union representative.

Baroness Caroline Cox attending the meeting stated that Azerbaijan
indeed conducted ethnic cleansings of Armenian population. She
underlined that Azerbaijan spends large sums to the propaganda and
asked Serzh Sargsyan what measures are taken in this direction, as
delusive impression of the international community on developments
in Karabakh cannot be allowed.

According to the RA President, unfortunately Armenia has no budget
available for this: "And we don’t need any, as the world is aware
of the reality — what happened and when. From our side we hold
a constructive stance and are interested in the early conflict

Sargsyan reckons that Nagorno-Karabakh issue should be resolved at the
earliest possible moment, as there is a daily threat of hostilities’
resumption. However, the matter should be settled in a way that ensures
decent life for Karabakhi people, and this process is dependent on
all parties to the conflict.

"I cannot say why Azerbaijanis attempt at transferring the settlement
process from OSCE to UN. We consider ourselves Europeans, though are
not fully integrated into the system, but try to resolve the conflicts
in accordance with European standards. There is a separate structure
– OSCE MG and we welcome its activities; despite disagreements at
times, I cannot say we are always enthused with their proposals,"
Sargsyan emphasized.

Nalbandian Albert:
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