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Azerbaijan Will Hardly Take A Chance On War, Says Military Expert


Feb 11 2010

"There were recently made official and non-official statements and
declarations on resumption of hostilities. All these appear to have
concerned society; in respond to all these declarations there were
some statements made and views shared, and then the process recovers
its temper until the next statement," said at today’s press conference
military expert, David Jamalian.

He pointed that Aliev’s war treats can concern the civil population,
never interested in politics, while others perfectly realize that
all these are just parts of propaganda. Meanwhile, the resumption
of hostilities is possible in any time, but the matter is when to
prepare the society for a war?

"It’s interesting, if there are preconditions of resumption of
hostilities, and how it is appropriated to declare war, when there
is too little sense in voicing all these. Sure, our society should
always be open-eyed as the best instrument against war is being ready
both militarily and psychologically to face such kind of development."

The region won’t go into the war if the superpowers are not interested
in it, according to expert. He said believes that the war is possible
to begin only if Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s positions
become weaker than they are now.

"I believe that our enemy would immediately take advantage of our
weakness – if we were weak – to return lost in the war territories.

"I wonder if any superpower is interested in war today. I say, no,
the war is not possible."

Besides, says David Jamalian, Armenian side is on the better hand as
it is the part which stands in defense of its own land. Peoples of
Armenia and NKR are ready to stand up for their lands, so, Azerbaijan
will hardly take a chance on the war.

Kalantarian Kevo:
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