BAKU: Abdulla Gul Responds Serzh Sargsyan


Feb 11 2010

Baku – APA. Turkish President Abdulla Gul sent a letter of response
to his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan, APA reports quoting the
official website of the Turkish president.

"Dear friend, I am grateful for your polite message sent during your
flight over Turkey. I send greetings to you and Armenian people. I
kindly accept thoughts expressed in your messages. I join the idea
that our efforts towards the normalization of Turkish-Armenian
relations created new hopes for peace in our geography kneaded with
the conflicts and fairly caused worldwide interest. Our main goal was
to create mutual understanding and trust by lifting the stereotypes
existed between our peoples for long years. If similarity between
the goals and commitments are protected, please don’t doubt that we
are also decisive to move these ideals. I also join the ideal that
liable administration requires to keep promises and to make words
coinciding with the actions. We will continue our efforts to move the
normalization process on the basis of agreement reached between our
countries. We need to fulfill our commitments fully and to have enough
political courage to complete this historic process. Our common target
is the building of future with permanent peace, security, welfare
and cooperation for the peoples in our region. I will continue to
work on this process looking forward for satisfactory result for
our countries".

Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan sent a letter to Abdulla Gul on
February 8, while passing the Turkey’s air space on his way to the
United Kingdom. Sargsyan called on his counterpart to take resolve
stance and to make actions towards the normalization of relations
between the two countries contributing to the stability in the region.