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Jamalyan: Nakhijevan Was A Good Example For The European Elite


Feb 11 2010

"I can imagine how philological depressed is Aliev now, after hearing
about the invitation. But it is a fact that especially during the
last period the reputation of Aliev’s regime has definitely been
destructed. It is not accepted as a stronghold of democracy and by
this way the Armenian President stressed one more time the destructive
condition of the Azerbaijani side", – said the military psychologist
Davit Jamalyan commenting on the statement made by the RA president
in London yesterday.

The thing is that yesterday during his speech in London Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan mentioned that he is ready to invite the
Azeri president to be present at the possible opening of the Armenian –
Turkish border.

Davit Jalalyan also touched upon a very important point of the RA
President’s speech.

"Very often we hear that the world doesn’t accept the historical
justice, as if the elite of the West is unjust, but in reality for
presenting our trail to the world we have to speak by the language
comprehensive for the world. And it was this exactly that our
President did yesterday stressing the problem of ethnic cleansing of
the Armenians in Nakhijevan", – stressed the military Psychologist.

According to the speaker the European elite is not familiar to the
roots of our conflicts.

"It was for the first time that we spoke about other Armenian
territories. Nakhijevan was an example of a territory which was
submitted to ethnic cleansing by the Azeri. And it served an example
for the Artsakh issue", – Davit Jamalyan said.

Frangulian Shushan:
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