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ANC-PAC Statement On The 2010 Congressional Elections


12.02.2010 11:31

"The ANC-PAC views the 2010 Congressional elections – which are already
shaping up to be as competitive as any of the past generation – as
a powerful opportunity for our community to deliver a clear message
that candidates must earn Armenian American votes by delivering real
results in the weeks and months leading up to November 2nd.

In these coming weeks and months, we will, as a PAC and as
a community, continue to view electoral races on non-partisan,
case-by-case basis. As in the past, we will support – with our votes,
our campaign contributions, and our volunteer efforts – friends in both
the Democratic and Republican parties based on their actual records of
delivering support on issues of special concern to Armenian Americans.

Our stand is not a Republican one or a Democratic one, but rather one
that reflects the core consensus of a vibrant and diverse Armenian
American electorate that stands united on our community’s advocacy

We are today, in our effort to extend our support to each of
our friends, facing a special challenge in generating community
backing for Democratic candidates. This is the direct result of
the Obama-Biden Administration’s pattern of broken pledges and
disappointing record of opposition to Armenian issues, ranging
from foreign aid to Armenia, the regional military balance, and the
Nagorno Karabagh peace process. Most notable in this regard was the
President’s breach of his clearly stated and oft-repeated campaign
pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Not only did the President,
despite a truly unprecedented, effective, and far-reaching Armenians
for Obama campaign, break this solemn commitment, but, once in office,
he directed his Administration to apply intense pressure on Armenia
to accept a set of Protocols that called into question this very
crime against the entire Armenian nation.

Fairly or unfairly, the anger and disappointment over the President’s
abandoned promises have had, and will continue to make a major impact
on how voters respond to other Democratic candidates, even those who
are supportive of Armenian issues. The most recent example of this
was the Brown-Coakley race in Massachusetts, which saw many Armenian
American voters, despite Democrat Martha Coakley’s late and limited
outreach to the Massachusetts large Armenian community, supporting
Republican Scott Brown. The motivation driving these voters, who
may very well have helped tip the balance in this race, was a simple
one: Armenian Americans, like any other constituency, resent, reject,
and respond decisively and negatively to being misled. We have seen a
similar dynamic in Illinois, where the community has rallied behind
Congressman Mark Kirk, the Co-Chairman of the Armenian Caucus, in
his race to till the Senate seat formerly held by President Obama.

We have been very heartened as a community by the courageous recent
decision by Congressman Howard Berman, chairman of the House Foreign
Affairs committee, in scheduling a vote on March 4 on HR 252, the
Armenian Genocide Resolution. We will be watching this vote very
closely and fully expect the resolution to pass committee and come up
for a vote before the House of Representatives. We are also awaiting
action in the Senate to bring this important piece of human rights
legislation to the full Senate for a vote.

Looking ahead, it is clear that the most effective way for
Democratic candidates to address the serious handicaps created by
the Administration is not to simply expand their outreach to Armenian
American voters, although continued dialogue is always welcome, but
rather to reverse the White House’s positions on Armenian issues –
starting with the President honoring his pledge to recognize the
Armenian Genocide."

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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