APS Presents Green Symposium Featuring Lisa Kalustian

By Alex DerAlexanian on

Feb 11th

GLENDALE-The Armenian Professional Society (APS) will present a
Green Symposium featuring a special presentation on California’s
Green Initiative by Lisa Kalustian, Chief Deputy Director of the Los
Angeles Office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The presentation
will be held at the monthly APS dinner meeting on Friday, February 26,
at 7:30 pm at the Brandview Collection in Glendale.

Kalustian will provide an update on how Governor Schwarzenegger’s
environmental and energy policies have launched California’s developing
Green-Tech Economy, and what that means for the future.

Over the past several years, Governor Schwarzenegger has taken action
to implement far-reaching, landmark environmental measures that are
expected to produce economic benefits and to help to fuel the state’s
recovery from a severe recession.

As a member of the Schwarzenegger administration, Kalustian’s
responsibilities include communicating the Governor’s policy agenda,
representing the Governor at events, local issues management,
and identifying qualified individuals as candidates for positions
within the Administration. Previously, she served as vice president
of public affairs for the Western Region of Health Net, Inc., one of
the nation’s largest health insurance companies. She also served as
deputy cabinet secretary and deputy press secretary in the office of
California Governor Pete Wilson, overseeing health and human services,
education, environment, immigration, and legal issues. Active in
community affairs, Kalustian serves on the boards of directors of the
Armenian Assembly of America and the Endowment Fund for the Western
Diocese of the Armenian Church.

Additional speakers will discuss related topics, including Green
Building Design and Operation, Green Tax Incentives, and Job
Opportunities in the Green-Tech Sector.

The Armenian Professional Society is an independent, non-partisan
organization founded in 1958 to promote fellowship among Armenian
professionals and to encourage and foster higher education in young
Armenians. APS activities include annual grants and scholarships
to universities in Armenia, and to graduate students in the United
States; conducting regularly scheduled meetings that cover a range of
professional, cultural, and other topics of interest to its membership;
sponsoring social events; and holding an annual banquet to honor a
Professional of the Year who has provided outstanding service to the
Armenian community.

Admission to the event is $35 for APS members and $40 for non-members.

Additional information about The Armenian Professional Society and
upcoming events is available at (818) 685-9946, [email protected],
, or by writing to APS, P. O. Box 10306, Glendale,
CA 91209.

Caption for accompanying photo: Lisa Kalustian
