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Armenia Missed The Moment


13:19:23 – 12/02/2010

Interview with the member of the HHSh board, the former head of the
NA permanent commission on foreign relations Hovhannes Igityan

Leaving for London, Serge Sargsyan addressed a message to Gul and
after, held a long speech about the Armenian and Turkish relations
and the Karabakh issue. What would you say in connection with this
"warming" of the Armenian and Turkish relations?

Note that everyone including Serge Sargsyan, Abdullah Gul and the
international society dwell on everything except the opening of the
border and establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia
and Turkey. While, the whole process seemed to be have to dwell on
these issues. But now it becomes clear that the process is dwelling
on completely other issues. Turkey today is trying to become the
pigeon of peace in the region, as well as a mediator in the issue of
Karabakh. This proves also Erdogan’s statement who accused Armenia of
being an occupant and Armenia did not say a single word affirming his
definition with its silence. It is evident to everyone that the process
is in deadlock and the sides are trying to show to the international
community that the each of them is not to blame for the failure of the
process. After the CC decision, Serge Sargsyan addressed that message
to confirm Armenia’s commitment to the arrangements, Gul answered
in the same spirit, but one of the arrangements is that Armenia has
to return "5 occupied regions" to Azerbaijan. I suppose that the
international community will try to make repressions on both sides.

Considering the fact that during his speech in London, Serge
Sargsyan said the protocols will be sent to the National Assembly
for ratification, can we presume that repressions are already made?

Of course. Serge Sargsyan is trying to shift the responsibility to
the representative body. The NA is evident to keep the protocols
as long until Turkey does not ratify them. NA is not an independent
body. And now if the National Assembly does not ratify the protocols,
this means that Serge Sargsyan personally does not want it.

As you said the process is in deadlock. Will it be possible to register
results only with the help of international tension?

If you mean the opening of the border and the establishment of
diplomatic relations, we are too far from it. Now the point is about
Armenia’s resistance to repressions. Because of Armenia’s wrong
diplomatic policy, Armenia is now forced to settle the Karabakh issue
and the settlement is supposed to be the one desired by Azerbaijan.

The Armenian government used to keep affirming that the Armenian
and Turkish process has nothing in common with the Karabakh issue,
but now, it is obvious that Turkey will ratify the protocols only if
Armenia gives 5 regions to Azerbaijan. In other words, Armenia comes
out to be guilty for the failure of the process. The ball is still
in Armenia’s field and everyone waits for Armenia to make concessions
in the Karabakh issue. This is the failure of Armenia’s foreign policy.

Republicans affirm that there is no word about the Nagorno Karabakh
issue in the protocols and it is meaningless to speak of this as
a precondition.

If they do not read international press, that is their problem. But
even when reading the Armenian press, they had to see that senior
Turkish officials say: no matter what was signed, most importantly
is how Turkey interprets everything.

I would like to draw your attention to the following: Edward
Nalbandyan when torpedoing Davutoglu’s speech in Zurich presented it
as a diplomatic victory, but he had better let him state in presence
of mediator what Turkey expects from the protocols. Then, the real
aim of Turkey would become known. Nalbandyan had to let Davutoglu
speak about the Karabakh issue and the genocide, and after he had
to refrain from signing the protocols. The only chance for Armenia
to come out of this harmful process was in Zurich, and now Armenia
is in a situation when it will be in harm anyway regardless it will
ratify or not the protocols.

Which is the way out of the situation?

If I was the foreign minister, I would resign, and if I was in Serge
Sargsyan’s place I would make steps strengthening Armenia’s resistance
to repressions. In 21st century, only democratic countries are strong
where human rights are respected and there are no political prisoners.

The first step would be the solution of all home problems connected
with human rights. And second is to consolidate democracy around the
Armenian Diaspora.

Interview By Arman Galoyan

Nargizian David:
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