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Armenia’s Tekhut Field MPP Project Discussed


Feb 12 2010

Director General of the South Caucasus Railway company, Shevket
Shaidullyn, visited yesterday the Alaverdy Station and met there
with president of "Vallex Group", Valery Mejlumian, a spokesperson
for the SCR said.

The parties discussed results of cooperation between the companies,
and development of the further relations with focus on the joint
project of the Mining and Processing Plant of Armenia’s Tekhut field.

Shevket Shaidullyn pointed some client-oriented approach, carried out
by the South Caucasus Railway. In particular, Shaidullyn said that
the company not only provides vehicular services for clients but also
helps to find sales areas. Besides, with new information technologies,
the company offers different systems of cooperation, for example,
"working through one window."

Pointing the company’s background — cooperation with metallurgy
plants — Shevket Shaidullyn proposed to deal with Vallex Group in
sphere of logistics.

The official meeting between businessmen was followed by an excursion
and demonstration of the producing process for briquettes, designed
for export. By the end of the meeting, Shevket Shaidullyn said is
very satisfied with cooperation’s results and expressed hope for
future partnership.

Nanijanian Alex:
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