BAKU: LA Times Move Angers Azeris


February 9, 2010 Tuesday

The Los Angeles Times has shown disrespect for Azerbaijans territorial
integrity. During its travel and adventure exhibition due on December
13, Armenia and Azerbaijans Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh region it occupies
will be presented simultaneously. During the show, travel agencies from
Armenia and the self-proclaimed Upper Garabagh republic will open a
section called Welcome to Armenia. Elin Suleymanov, Azerbaijans consul
general in Los Angeles, has sent a letter of protest to the LA Times
editorial office. The letter emphasizes that Upper Garabagh is an
integral part of Azerbaijan and that such instances are unacceptable,
according to Elkhan Polukhov, the spokesman for the Azerbaijan Foreign
Ministry. Also, the Azerbaijani community in the United States
has voiced deep concern over the newspapers actions. In a letter,
the diaspora representatives called on LA Times and the exhibition
organizers not to abuse international law. US Azerbaijanis said
propaganda by any participant of the event about others territory,
culture and heritage is inadmissible. Upper Garabagh is an Azerbaijani
region occupied by Armenia since a 1994 cease-fire ended separatist
hostilities that killed an estimated 30,000 people and ousted about
one million Azerbaijanis from their homes. Armenia continues to occupy
Upper Garabagh and seven other Azerbaijani districts in defiance of
international law. Years of peace talks have brought few tangible