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Syndrome Of Powder Keg

Naira Hayrumyan

16:06:15 – 12/02/2010

Serge Sargsyan’s speech in Chatham House was interpreted differently.

Many saw it as the embodiment of his own thoughts, particularly people
of Karabakh, who liked the fact that in London at the highest level
was said: "Karabakh considers that it was able to restore justice
impaired in Stalin’s years and to create normal living conditions".

Others liked the fact that "we hate war with all our heart". But much
in this speech has caused mixed feelings.

And most importantly – it rather confirmed than excluded the
possibility of war. However, Serge Sargsyan does not advise to resort
to war, especially to "big investors", but says that "Armenia and
Karabakh have not started the war and they are never going to start
it, but we understand that we must be prepared for war".

Karabakh has been frightened by the ghost of a war for already 16
years. 16 years of life on a "powder keg" which every moment is
ready to explode. The psychology of people of Karabakh is said to
be yet examined by scholars, perhaps there will even be something
phenomenal in it. After all, not everyone can live, build, furnish
an apartment, build business and serve in the army of a country
where the war always scares. Moreover, they consider it their duty
to assure that these threats are not idle. Karabakh seems to have
got the immune of the syndrome of "powder keg". People even joke:
buying expensive furniture, they do not ask about its quality, but
about projections of the political situation. Like, will the price be
compensated before the escalation of the situation? Many even claim
that the information vacuum in which the Karabakh society is driven
is very helpful – fewer threats are heard.

Although everything, of course, is much more serious.

Kharatian Ani:
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