`Aliev won’t arrive; if he does it will be a mourning day for him"

Aysor, Armenia
Feb 13 2010

`Aliev won’t arrive; if he does it will be a mourning day for him"

Turkey will not ratify the protocols, if he does he will do it with
stipulations’, – said Tigran Karapetyan the head of the People’s Party
touching upon the Armenian ` Turkish protocols.

As for the pressures of the USA and the international community over
the ratification process of the Armenian ` Turkish protocols T.
Karapetyan mentioned that `in 1915 the USA too has given guarantees,
and not only the United States, and those guarantees have been

`We should rely on the chances that we have’, – underlined Tigran Karapetyan.

The speaker, turning to the speech given by the Armenian President in
the Chatham House in London, said that `inviting the Azerbaijani
President Ilham Aliev to be present on the opening of the
Armenian-Turkish borders, was a nice diplomatic trick, but the fact is
that Aliev will not come, if he does it will be a mourning day for