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Colorado Senate Candidates Wiens, Norton, and Romanoff Issue Genocid

Colorado Senate Candidates Wiens, Norton, and Romanoff Issue Genocide Pledge

colorado-senate-candidates-wiens-norton-and-romano ff-issue-genocide-pledge/
By Contributor – on February 9, 2010

Senator Udall and Candidate Bennet Withdraw Support; Received
Contributions from Military Contractors

HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. – The Rocky Mountain Hye Advocates (RMHA) this
week announced the pledges by former State Senator Tom Wiens (R),
former Lt. Governor Jane Norton (R), and former Colorado House Speaker
Andrew Romanoff (D) to co-sponsor an Armenian Genocide resolution.

Senior State Senator Mark Udall (D), in contrast, informed the RMHA
last week that he would not renew his commitment to co-sponsor an
Armenian Genocide resolution – nor would he vote for one if it came to
the Senate floor. Udall had pledged to support a resolution during his
2008 campaign. `We are gravely disappointed that our Colorado
non-partisan Senate record of co-sponsorship has been rejected by
Senator Udall,’ wrote the RMHA. `It deserved to be honored, respected,
and maintained. His failure to pay proper tribute to the tradition
which preceded him – and he had formally embraced – is a reflection of an
ever-expanding inside-the-beltway mentality.’

The Colorado Senate seat was formally held by elected Senator Ken
Salazar (D), who joined then-Senior Senator Wayne Allard (R) in
co-sponsoring the Senate Armenian Genocide Resolution and establishing
a tradition of bipartisan support. Wiens – who has a past record of
repeated co-sponsorship of Armenian Genocide resolutions in the
General Assembly – is challenging Norton in the Republican Senate
primary. Bennet and Romanoff are the two major Democrat primary
contestants seeking to represent their party in the November General
Election. Romanoff provided his Armenian Genocide original
co-sponsorship pledge to the RMHA at the same moment he declared his
candidacy for the open seat. Late last month, Bennet became Colorado’s
lone co-sponsor of S.Res.316, the Armenian Genocide Resolution in the
U.S. Senate. The RMHA requested Bennet’s 2010 pledge to sustain his
co-sponsorship, but has not yet received it. `We feel it incumbent on
this party endorsed candidate to provide his assurance of fidelity to
our community by is
suing his campaign pledge statement,’ wrote the RMHA.

The influence of corporate money has been raised in this Senate race.
Relevant to that question, the Associated Press released the results
of its June 2009 investigation into American military contractors
quietly lobbying Members of Congress on behalf of the Turkish
government to undermine support for the adoption of an Armenian
Genocide resolution. It named five military corporations and one
energy company conducting this unofficial lobbying in order to curry
favor with their client, the Turkish government. The RMHA researched
the public financial reports of each Colorado Delegation Member who
had not co-sponsored congressional Armenian Genocide resolutions in
the current session. In their 2009 year-end issue, the RMHA reported
`specific contributions from two AP-named military contractors to the
campaign treasuries of Senator Udall and Candidate Bennet.’

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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