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Sen. Lieberman Supports US Recognition of Armenian Genocide

Yerevan Report, Armenia
Feb 11 2010

Sen. Lieberman Supports US Recognition of Armenian Genocide

Feb 11th, 2010 |

YEREVAN (Novosti-Armenia), February 11’The 1915 annihilation of 1.5
million Armenians during Ottoman Empire in Turkey was one of the
greatest crimes against humanity in the last hundred years, and it’s
important that the United States recognize the Armenian Genocide, said
US Senator of Jewish descent Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in a letter to
the Armenian Assembly of America.

Senator Lierberman is one of those members of congress who support
approving a resolution on recognizing the Armenian Genocide in the US

Translated from Russian by Yerevan Report

Nahapetian Samvel:
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