Categories: News

Singer Sonya Out of Competition for Eurovision Contest

Yerevan Report, Armenia
Feb 12 2010

Singer Sonya Out of Competition for Eurovision Contest

Feb 12th, 2010 | Category: Arts and Culture

YEREVAN (Newsarmenia.ru), February 11 ‘ A participant of the Armenian
national selection for Eurovision Song Contest 2010, the singer Sonya,
was left out of the competition.

Armenian delegation head Diana Mnatsakanyan explained that Sonya will
not take part in the contest because of health problems.

However, at various Internet forums and blogs the question whether
Sonya was disqualified because of a plagiarism is actively discussed.

Sonya was going to perform the song `Never’ at the national selection.

As a result only nine participants will compete for the right to
represent Armenia in Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo, including
the rock bad Another Story with the song `This Winter,’ Eve Rivas
(‘Apricot Stone’), Nik Egibyan (‘Countdown’), Emmi and Mihran (‘Hey
Let Me Hear You Say’), David Ashotyan (‘Infected Dreams’), Maria
Kiziryan (‘Little Red Riding Hood’), Razmik Amyan (‘My Love’), Ani
Arzumanyan (‘The Mermaid Song’) and Meline Beglaryan (‘We Must

The winner of this selection will be defined by jury voting and SMS voting.

Armenia has been participating in the Eurovision Song Contest since
2006. The best result was registered in 2008 by singer Sirusho who
took fourth place.

Translated from Russian by Yerevan Report

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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