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Students of competitive countries do not study to observe formalitie

Students of competitive countries do not study to observe formalities.
What about the students of Armenia?

2010-02-14 10:33:00

ArmInfo. The Board of Trustees of the National Competitiveness
Foundation of Armenia held a sitting in Yerevan, Saturday. The sitting
covered the programs and the budget of the Foundation for 2010-2012,
as well as current programs. Executive Director of the Foundation
Bekor Papazyan said that the negotiations on acquisition of the
cyclotron to set up an oncology hospital in Armenia are nearing
completion, commercial banks are already making proposals on
financing, and investments offers are being worked out.

Speaking of the programs in the sphere of tourism, Papazyan pointed
out that in autumn 2010 it is envisaged to open the cableway leading
to Tatev Monastery, one of the symbols of Armenian medieval
architecture. The construction of the cableway is included in the
complex of programs on creation of a tourism center near the
monastery. In particular, before opening of the cableway, the work on
renovation of the monastery, as well as on elaboration of tour
packages and tour operators will be done. It is envisaged to complete
the renovation by the end of 2011. As regards the third direction of
the Foundation’s activity – the education sphere, Papazyan said that
the elaboration of the project of a scientific center in Yerevan will
be launched in the near future. "The Center will consist of a
commercial part, i.e. office premises and academic corps. One of the
ideas is that the first part, i.e. the commercial one is to finance
the second part. The offices may accommodate enterprises to work out
scientific projects and innovations, probably, in the format of a
venture fund. Thus, the center will ensure the connection between the
educational system and business",- said Papazyan.

Nubar Afeyan, Head of the venture company Flagship Ventures (USA),
member of the Board of Trustees of the National Competitiveness
Foundation of Armenia said that the Foundation is going to create and
all-Armenian professional network that may become useful for the
specialists and students living in Armenia. The main thing Armenia
should begin with is to master the skills of academic knowledge
commercialization. In the USA this process is developed quite well.

In particular, there are several hundreds of designers of commercial
scientific projects among the Armenians of Diaspora, he said. He added
that during his visits to Armenia he met teachers and students of
Armenian universities. According to him, to enhance the efficiency of
education, one should create motivation, engrain new understanding of
the education destination. Education for a diploma is not the most
correct approach, Afeyan said. He thinks that creation of all-Armenian
professional networks, exchange of experience will contribute to
qualitative changes.

The National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia works as a joint
project of the state in person of the Armenian government, and
representatives of the private sector from the USA, Russia, Europe and
Near East. The Foundation works out and coordinates investment
projects to enhance the competitiveness of Armenia. The Foundation
focuses on education, health and tourism.

Chaltikian Arsine:
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