Yerevan City Hall to Begin Greening Project

Yerevan Report, Armenia
Feb 11 2010

Yerevan City Hall to Begin Greening Project

Feb 11th, 2010 |

YEREVAN (Novosti-Armenia), February 11’Yerevan City Hall will begin
planting of greenery and shrubs in the Armenian capital thanks in part
to the nature preservation fees that Yerevan factories polluting the
air are required to pay.

The head of Yerevan City Hall’s nature protection department, Avet
Martirosyan told that `city greening’ projects have been
designed for the Shengavit and Erebuni administrative districts,
including constructing the irrigation system, planting trees, and
restoring lawns.

The project also includes the creation of green spaces in Shengavit
and Erebuni in 2011.

By creating more outdoor green spaces, `It will make it possible to
ease the negative effects on the environment [caused by polluting
factories],’ Martirosyan said.

Among those factories that are considered pollutants in Yerevan are
Nairit Factory, Yerevan JEK, Maqur Erkat (Pure Iron), Gajegorts, Gaj
and Armenia Molybdenum Protection.

Translated from Russian by Yerevan Report