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Diplomatic Academy Has Been Opened


16:10:51 – 15/02/2010

The Diplomatic School of Armenia was officially inaugurated on 15
February. The opening took place in the new fully refurbished and
equipped premises of the Diplomatic Academy.

The President of Armenia, Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Mr. Edward Nalbandyan, Ambassador Raul
de Luzenberger, Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia and Ambassador
Sergey Kapinos, Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan jointly inaugurated
the courses of the Diplomatic School.

25 out of 150 applicants were selected to attend the courses of the
Academy as a result of a three-stage competition process. Students
will have a unique opportunity to become junior diplomats with skills
and knowledge highly desirable in the professional foreign service.

They would be able to represent effectively the interests of Armenia
abroad. Professors from prestigious universities around the world as
well as senior diplomats and high ranking officials will be giving

The Diplomatic School is expected to play a crucial role in the modern
diplomatic service of Armenia. The EU, jointly with the OSCE office
in Yerevan, provided financial support and advice for establishing
the Diplomatic School, based on best European practices.

Basmajian Ani:
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