Categories: News

Surprisingly, Baku Hurries


17:52:31 – 15/02/2010

Elmar Mamedyarov stated suddenly that Azerbaijan considers the
proposals of the OSCE Co-Chairs in connection with the updated
principles of Madrid acceptable. Moreover, the Azerbaijani minister
stated that "Azerbaijan is waiting for the confirmation of the
principles of Madrid which will pave the way for starting a large
comprehensive peace agreement". In fact, the official Baku has
confirmed its consent to the updated version of the principles. Now
Baku hurries Yerevan and already speaks about the "great agreement".

Does this mean that the sides reached a fundamental agreement
about the Karabakh issue? How Serge Sargsyan’s statement in London
appears against this background who said that the principle on the
territorial integrity is not as unbreakable as it may seem. Or maybe,
as the co-chairs have repeatedly stated, Baku and Yerevan have agreed
on the principle of "former NKAR+1 or 2 regions to the Armenians,
the rest to Azerbaijan".

The feeling is that the two-week term given to the sides to express
their opinion in connection with the updated principles of Madrid has
been prolonged and a new term was set. Azerbaijan, in fact, agreed,
Armenia is left which, judging by the London speech, is running out
of time.

Kharatian Ani:
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