Mining Industry Accounts For 88% Of Industrial Production Of Syunik


Noyan Tapan
Feb 16, 2010

GORIS, FEBRUARY 16, NOYAN TAPAN. During his working visit to Syunik
marz, Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia, Minister of Territorial
Administration Armen Gevorgian on February 15 took part in the opening
ceremony of the newly-repaired senior school 4 in the city of Goris.

141 million drams had been allocated for repairs, including 110 million
drams from the Social Investment Fund, while the rest was provided
by the Armenian Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees and other international organizations.

A meeting of the regional council was held with the participation
of A. Gevorgian on the same day. Syunik Governor Surik Khachatrian
presented the work done in the marz in 2009. According to him, the
mining industry accounts for 88% of industrial production of the marz.

The second issue on the agenda was comparative analysis of indices
of the 2010 community budgets. At the suggestion of the deputy prime
minister, the issue was not discussed. A. Gevorgian called attention
of the community heads to trustworthiness of data on property tax.

"Let’s submit true data and not deceive each other," he said.

Issues related to agricultural work to be done in the spring were
also discussed at the meeting.