BAKU: FM: Lebanon Supports Efforts Of Friendly Countries To Address


Feb 17 2010

Trend News Middle East desk’s interview with Lebanese Foreign Minister
Ali Hussein Al-Shami

Trend News: Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri is supposed to
visit Azerbaijan this year. How will this visit change the development
of bilateral relations between countries? What visits are planned by
you and what future steps will Beirut take to develop relations with
Azerbaijan in economic and political spheres?

Ali Hussein Al-Shami: Since taking the office, the Prime Minister
of Lebanon has visited a number of countries, with which Lebanon has
diplomatic and consular relations, within the overall government policy
to strengthen the role of the country, especially during the election
of Lebanon as a member to the UN Security Council for 2010-2011.

Immigration & Foreign Affairs Minister accompanies the Head of State
during official visits or conducts himself separate meetings and
makes visits, depending on conditions.

It is well known the importance of these visits to strengthen relations
between Lebanon and the fraternal countries in the field of economy,
social relations, culture and science.

With regards to relations with Azerbaijan, Lebanon has officially
recognized the Republic of Azerbaijan after the declaration of its
independence in 1991, and charged its embassy in Moscow to deal with
the Lebanese people living in Azerbaijan until opening embassy and
consulates there. In 1992, diplomatic relations were established
between the countries and an ambassador – non-resident of Azerbaijan
in Lebanon was appointed, but the vice-versa exchange did not happen.

In addition, agreements were signed on cooperation in trade, economic
and customs sectors.

There are a number of draft agreements on cooperation in economic,
trade, cultural, educational and scientific fields; an agreement on
judicial cooperation in civil and criminal cases and the agreement
on avoidance of double taxation are under the process of preparation.

So far the exact date of next visit to Azerbaijan has not been
determined yet. However, in the future, when the issue becomes
clearer, it will facilitate legalizing cooperation in various areas
of bilateral relations. The agenda includes visits with economic and
social objectives, mentioned in Lebanon’s foreign policy plan.

Q: How does Lebanon assess the negotiation process to resolve the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict? What is Lebanon’s official position on
this issue?

A: Lebanon supports Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial
integrity within its internationally recognized borders on the basis
of international law and in accordance with U.N. resolutions

Although Lebanon had abstained from voting on the 63th meeting of the
U.N. General Assembly, Beirut is committed to friendly relations with
Azerbaijan, and continues constant consultations and cooperation with
Baku in various fields.

Q: Given the economic growth of Azerbaijan, which sectors of the
economy are most interesting for Lebanese investors?

A: Lebanon hopes to participate in the economic growth of Azerbaijan,
which will improve opportunities for the Lebanese investments. In
particular, Lebanon is ready to offer the Azerbaijani market services
in consulting and banking, tourism development, expansion of the food
sector, the production of clothing, perfume and electrical goods. The
potential of mutual trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Lebanon
can be raised.

Q: Does Beirut consider that Turkey can become a successful mediator
in solving Middle East problems, given the increased cooperation
between Ankara and the countries of the region?

A: Until now, Lebanon has relied on good relations with neighboring
countries and diligently strives to develop and preserve these
relations. Lebanon is a peace-loving country, which is an example of
openness, freedom, and peaceful co-existence in the region. Lebanon
has only one enemy – this is Israel for occupying Lebanese territories
and refusing to withdraw troops from them, in spite of resolution 425
(1978) and 1701 (2006), which once again confirms 425. According to
it, Israel must fully and immediately withdraw from Lebanese occupied
territories to the internationally recognized borders.

In this regard, retaining the full right of Lebanon to defend itself
from any attack and liberate its territories, Lebanon welcomes
any efforts that friendly countries make to resolve the Middle East
problem and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Firstly this is the Palestinian
problem and the right of the Palestinian people to establish their
own state and return to their lands, according to the Arab peace
initiative. Lebanon, therefore, supports the renewed mobilization
of Turkey’s efforts, particularly because strong historical and
cultural ties connect it with Turkey. Turkey plays a strategic role at
regional and international levels. With the support of major powers,
especially the U.S., Turkey has succeeded in bringing together the
views and positions in conducting indirect talks between Israeli and
Syrian sides.