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SCR Takes Part In TRACECA Session


2010-02-17 11:54:00

ArmInfo. South Caucasus Railway CJSC took part in the session of
TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) held on February
11-14 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Within the frames of the Session, Head of the press service
Vahe Davtyan held a presentation of SCR CJSC in the context of
transformations of the regional and international geopolitical
architecture with introduction of the Company’s missions, its strategic
aims and goals, investment policy for 2010 and key indicators of
activity for 2008-2009. SCR representative introduced the priority
projects being currently implemented by the Company. In particular,
special attention was paid to the project of construction of the
international Logistic Center on the Armenian-Turkish border (Akhuryan
station). V. Davtyan presented the Logistic Center’s business-model to
the audience consisting of representatives of transport agencies and
companies of TRACECA member-states. The model comes to creation of a
subsidiary with the interested party’s share interest. In view of this,
SCR representative offered foreign counterparts to visit Armenia to
discuss the possibility of their participation in the Company projects.

"SCR has formed its financial model till 2038, that indicated
stability and healthy investment climate in the company. We are open
for cooperation and ready to discuss any proposals on participation
of international banks, corporations and other organizations in
implementation of our projects", V. Davtyan said.

To recall, TRACECA is a programme of restoration of the Great Silk
Road. TRACECA was set up at Brussels Conference on May 3, 1993, with
participation of ministers of transport and trade from 8 states:
5 states from Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and 3 states of the Caucasus region:
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

SCR CJSC is the 100 percent subsidiary of Russian Railways CJSC. In
February 2008 SCR obtained a concession of the state CJSC Armenian
Railway. The agreement of concession of the Armenian Railroad CJSC
for 30 years with a 10-year renewable period was signed in Yerevan
in February 2008.

Karagyozian Lena:
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