Apply Now for the Discover Armenia Youth Trip

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Apply Now for the Discover Armenia Youth Trip

AGBU is accepting applications for the summer 2010 Discover Armenia
Youth Trip, which runs from August 7 to August 26, 2010. This program
holds a significant place among the AGBU youth programs as it brings
together 15-18-year-old diasporan Armenian youths to spend an
unforgettable summer in Armenia. Discover Armenia offers these young
students a chance to visit various locations around Armenia, including
Garni, Geghard, Goris, the Holy See of Etchmiadzin, Khor Virap, Lake
Sevan, Matenadaran Manuscript Library, Noravank, Sardarapat, and AGBU’s
own Antranik Scout Camp in the Lori Region.

The summer of 2009 saw 20 participants from Canada, France, Switzerland
and the United States participate in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
In addition to the social experience, Discover Armenia has a strong
community component, promoting volunteerism and service. Last summer,
students helped build a house in the Haytagh village of the Armavir
region with the Fuller Organization. As a result of this emphasis on
giving back, students are eligible to earn 40 credit hours toward
fulfillment of the community service required in their respective

The parents of a 2009 participant said, "We would like to thank [AGBU]
for giving our kids a life-changing experience in Armenia. They came
back appreciating our culture and thankful for what we have. Our
daughter had an amazing three weeks and has come back with a better
understanding of her heritage, and improved Armenian speaking skills!
She said she had the most memorable three weeks with the group, and will
never forget this trip."

Entering its 7th season, this trip will expose participating youth to
the incredible nature of Armenia and the lives of its citizens. For more
information on Discover Armenia 2010, and to download applications,
please visit,

Established in 1906, AGBU () is the world’s largest
non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU
preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through
educational, cultural and humanitarian program, annually touching the
lives of some 400,000 Armenians around the world.

For more information about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit