BAKU: Azerbaijan Able To Defeat Armenia In Two Months

Feb 17 2010

Azerbaijan able to defeat Armenia in two months, Soso Tsintsadze said.

Rector of the Georgian Diplomatic Academy and former adviser on
political issues of three presidents of Georgia Soso Tsintsadze said
"Azerbaijan would have been able to defeat Armenia and return lands
at least in a couple of months".

He noted that "he has never heard that the lands lost could have been
returned at the negotiation table".

"For me France is the example of the return of its lands. In 1870 it
lost Elzas and Lotaringia in the result of war with Prussia for almost
50 years. Throughout this period, the French diplomacy has conducted
huge and thorough work to return these lands. French realized that
they will be unable to defeat Germany in a one-on-one fight, like now
Georgia will never be able to defeat Russia, like Azerbaijan will be
unable to face Armenia one-on-one as Russia will never allot it.

Though I do not doubt that today Azerbaijan would be able to
defeat Armenia and return lands", Soso Tsintsadze said, report

"He said the aim of the French diplomacy was the international
isolation of Germany, cutting the close tie between Berlin and
Petersburg, cause a quarrel between the two cousins – Wilhelm and
Nicholai. In addition, the great contribution of the French Diplomacy
of that time was that it attained reconciliation of its interests
with England and reconcile Russia with England.

In the result, France managed to involve Russia into the First World
War which was not needed to Russia at all. Therefore, I think our
countries should act by the French experience but with the amendment
that it is already the 21st century and it is not necessary to fight
for liberation of lands".