Meddling By Armenian Non-Political Organizations In Political Affair

By Appo Jabarian

USA Armenian Life Magazine
February 18, 2010

Archalus Tcheknavorian-Asenbauer of Vienna, a former Managing Director
of United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and a long-time
member of the Armenian Assembly, had sent two consecutive letters
respectively dated January 10 and 13 to the Armenian Assembly raising
several important issues regarding the Armenia-Turkey Protocols and
Armenian political hierarchy.

This article is a follow-up to last week’s commentary titled
"Armenian-Americans Deserve Fair Political Representation," which
discussed how the Turkish-imposed Protocols brought to the surface
the awkward situation where Armenian-Americans were denied the basic
right for fair political representation.

In her letters, she questioned the wisdom of dragging the non-political
institutions, namely religious, philanthropic, cultural, and
educational organizations into the political arena.

Speaking of the mission of the Armenian religious institutions,
she wrote: "The church has no political mandate, nor a basis for
participating in a political debate, especially when we have an
independent country, with it political institutions."

As for the Armenian General Benevolent Union, a philanthropic
organization, she pointed out that organizations like AGBU, which have
a specific mission to provide education and other humanitarian services
to post-Genocide Armenians, enjoy the support of financial contributors
that come from different segments of the Armenian population with
differing political views. These supporters have chosen to give their
wealth or contribution to AGBU not for their political positions,
but to help the poor and disadvantaged Armenians around the world."

The AGBU has neither the background nor the experienced personnel to
deal with political affairs. It should not participate in political
debates because this is not its mandate. The AGBU’s official
participation in any political debate can only have a negative
reflection on its own organization and is disastrous for the Armenians,
Ms.Tcheknavorian-Asenbauer wrote.

Armenians must respect the very basic rules of separating the political
entities from non-political ones. The lack of understanding of these
fundamental issues can set our nation back, she asserted.

During her tenure for nearly forty years as a U.N. official with
political assignments, she noticed the progress of various countries
that have followed the above unwritten rule. She noted that countries
that do not respect their own institutions, and their peoples’ destiny,
never progress.

Focusing on political mistakes committed by the AAA, she elaborated:
"I became a member of the Armenian Assembly of America because I had
the view that it is a) Neutral; b) Professional; c) Working in the
interest of Armenia and our Nation. The support the Armenian Assembly
gave to the Armenian President for signing the light-weight Protocols
that are based on double-standard, made me very SAD. …

Supporting the Protocols as an automatic reaction to other parties
that were against them, for sure was not the best contribution made by
the AAA. … Some decisions that do not produce the foreseen results
must be stopped in order to avoid making further harm. Therefore the
most effective reaction on the part of AAA would be to advise the
president of Armenia to cancel the Protocols, because Turkey did not
respect the terms."

Speaking of the oil lady at the State Dept., she wrote: "It is not
in our interest to speak with Secretary Hillary Clinton in a begging
tone. We should not put our Nation so down in front of her. She should
be informed that the game is over, because they could not make Turkey
follow the four-party (Turkey, USA, Europe, Armenia) agreement. In
fact, Turkey disrespected the negotiating parties along with their
efforts and good will," indicated Tcheknavorian-Asenbauer.

The anti-Protocols movement in Armenia and the Diaspora has
proven that the politically mature major organizations such as
the ARF-Dashnaktsutiun, Social Democratic Hunchakian Party and
ADL-Ramgavar Party have empowered Armenia to reject Turkey’s demand
for capitulation. They have also effectively amplified the necessity of
defending the security and national interests of Armenia and Armenians.

The leadership of the three major Armenian political parties has
accurately reflected the anti-Protocols views of the overwhelming
majority of their respective party members.

Conversely, the leadership of the non-political organizations failed
to reflect their members’ collective position, because of the simple
fact that neither they carry political responsibility nor do they have
the political will or maturity. Sadly, that situation plays well into
the hands of Turkey.

Many community members have expressed deep concerns that certain
Armenian-American organizations have unwittingly become anti-Armenian
Trojan horses by needlessly meddling in political affairs, thus
benefiting Turkey and harming Armenia and Armenians. This dire
situation needs to be remedied sooner rather than later.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS