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Apigian-Kessel: Mitch Kehetian’s Book and Other Items

Apigian-Kessel: Mitch Kehetian’s Book and Other Items

By Betty Apigian-Kessel – on February 19, 2010

Mitch Kehetian’s name is well known in Detroit and throughout Armenian
Diasporan circles as the long-time editor of the Macomb Daily
newspaper and a contributor to the Armenian Weekly. Now Kehetian, the
newspaperman with ink in his blood, also has a book to his credit,
Giants of the Earth, which recounts the persecution and struggle of
the Armenian people.

Mitch is a first-generation success story. His family’s roots are in
Keghi, in historic Armenia, the distant land of his ancestors that he
visited on several occasions, one time in an effort to locate his
father’s sister, Parantsem. `I want the third generation to know what
really happened,’ he said, referring to the Armenian Genocide. `And
why the Armenians still seek justice.’ A community book signing is
eminent for this true son of Armenia who says his book is written
newspaper-style in plain talk. Look for announcements. The book is
published by Publish America and sells for $19.95. For more
information, visit


Con gratulations also to Hermine and Hovagim Manoogian – West Bloomfield
residents and members of the St. Sarkis community – who proudly welcomed
grandaughter Natali Karin Manoogian to their growing family in
December 2009. Happy Grandpa Manoogian glowingly says, `Hye azku
aghchig zavagov mun al pakhdavorvetsav.’ His way of saying, the more
Armenians born the better.


Celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Jan. 16, Steve and Anne
Karadian were joined by daughters Stephanie Karadian and daughter
Julie and hubby Raffi DerManuelian (and children, David, Christopher,
and Emily) when a surprise limousine pulled up at their West
Bloomfield home to whisk them all away to celebrate the auspicious
occasion at the elegant Dearborn Inn.


Congratulations also to Diane Haroutunian-Brus and son Armen on their
new `baby’ Danny Dublin, a soft-coated Wheaten Terrier born on Oct.
26, 2009. Danny Boy is one of the most darling pups you will ever see,
the kind you want to pick up and just cuddle. His Mom says, `He has
taken over the household in a great way. He loves to go for walks and
chew! He amuses himself all day with his toys.’ Diane and Armen are
true animal lovers. Diane is also a Pampered Chef consultant and can
adjust home parties for this popular concept to accommodate your
schedule. Contact her by visiting


Rose Kehetian informs me how long before his passing, Vahan Mouradian
was made an honorary member of the St. Sarkis Ladies Guild – by virtue
volunteer driving four Allen Park ladies to meetings at the church for
numerous years. She adds, `He helped at all the fundraising events and
did everything all the other members did.’ Mouradian was the tall,
well-dressed gentleman everyone loved for his kind demeanor and pure
Armenian soul. Daughter Alice and son George are his legacy to
perpetuate his beloved Armenianism. Both are active in the St. Sarkis
community of organizations.

Kehetian also tells of petite 95-year-old Ladies Guild member
Keghouhie DerOvagimian, who is in church every Sunday where son Manoug
has been the Deacon for many years. Her daughter is Lucy Gurganian.
Rose says the elder DerOvagimian is a dynamo who does a lot at the
Ladies Guild baking sessions and teases the younger women who take a
sit-down rest with: `Inchou nsteres, yelir kordzeh.’ She’s got a great
sense of humor. `Only a Rose’ also reminds the community that they are
invited to attend the annual Lenten luncheon on March 10 in the church


This very interesting item was posted in the Dec. 31, 2009 Brantford
Expositor newspaper by staff member Heather Ibbotson, as received from
Brantford, Ontario friend Carl Georgian, son of one of the original
Georgetown Boys. Bill Darfler, a local historical researcher, is
seeking information to uncloak the mystery surrounding a 1914 roundup
of Turkish Muslim foundry workers and their subsequent internment at a
camp in remote Kapuskasing, Ontario. They are not to be confused with
the many Armenians who also worked in Canadian foundries. Darfler has
received a grant from the Canadian First World War Internment
Recognition Fund to study the experiences of ethno-cultural
communities affected by Canada’s first national internment operations
of 1914-20.

Apparently in Nov. 1914, 100 Turkish men were rounded up by city
police and relocated. Those that had Canadian citizenship were
stripped of it, and few records of them exist. Records of this time
period were destroyed in the 1950’s. Many of these Turks, oddly
enough, lived in Armenian-owned boarding houses.

I got in touch with Prof. Isabel Kaprielian Sullivan who grew up in
nearby Hamilton and who wrote the book From These Mountains.
Kaprielian Sullivan did extensive research for her book but she could
not add light to the mystery. Ned Apigian volunteered that his uncle
Mamigon Apigian – then a youth of only 14 – entered one of those Turkish
inhabited boarding houses and, according to reports, `contaminated the
food source.’ Mamigon Apigian’s parents and three young sisters were
slaughtered by the Turks in Keghi. Yes, he was this author’s father.

If anyone has information about this roundup of Turkish foundry
workers, please get in touch with me. Hopefully more on this later.

Khondkarian Raffi:
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