BAKU: Igor Chubays: President Aliyev is a very effective politician

Today, Azerbaijan
Feb 20 2010

Igor Chubays: President Ilham Aliyev is a very effective politician

20 February 2010 [15:23] – Today.Az

"President Ilham Aliyev is a very effective politician and Azerbaijan
is a country sustaining positive dynamic changes’, Igor Chubays,
Doctor of Philosophical studies, Head of the Russian studies under
Peoples` Friendship University of Russia,said.

`I often talk to different people, including Azerbaijanis, who have
left the country owing to social motives and now are going to come
back. All of them admit that Azerbaijan is going through considerable
changes’, Chubays said.

Touching upon the current status of the Russian-Azerbaijani relations,
Chubays stated `it is a rare case when relations are mutually
beneficial, stable, steady and, notably, predictable.’

Igor Chubays said that warm relations between the leaders of two
countries positively contribute to the Russian-Azerbaijani

Commenting on the role of Russia in settlement of the
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Chubays said that `the
problem could be solved much more quickly if the Kremlin was more
