Mothers of Victims of March 1 Were Beaten


15:00:54 – 20/02/2010

The police again clamped down on the participants of the weekly march
of protest organized by the opposition, the Armenian National
Congress. Yesterday’s march was held to condemn the rigged election of
February 19, 2008′.

During the march which took place yesterday the mothers of the victims
of the events following the election 2008 became the target of
violence, who participated in yesterday’s march, holding the pictures
of their sons.

Jemma Vardumyan, the mother of Davit Petrosyan who was killed on March
1, told the red berets had pushed her causing her to fall to the

`Sitting on the ground, I was thinking how we can deliver our youth
from these brazen ones. They didn’t allow the march to proceed. Why,
we weren’t doing harm to anyone, were we?’

Ms. Jemma says, `I participated in the march for the sake of my killed
son, for violating the rights of a mother, my rights, for torturing
me. They killed my son… I am sick but today nobody has compassion for
me, how long are you, the government, going to last, one day you will
get to your end too.’

Alla Hovanisyan, the mother of Tigran Khachatryan who also got killed
on March 1, got a strong punch in the face.

`Someone hit me very strongly with his fist, my lip is swollen, I
don’t know who hit me, but we have his photo, and soon we will know
which policeman it was.’

Alla Hovanisyan says they tried to prevent the red berets from
kidnapping the youths. `I am not afraid of policemen, I am not afraid
of the red berets, I am not afraid of getting killed.’

A number of photos and footages have been taken, picturing the
clampdown of the police.