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Opposition activists and police clash in Yerevan

Opposition activists and police clash in Yerevan

07:47 pm | February 19, 2010 | Politics

Youth wing of the Armenian National Congress (HAK) launched a rally in
Yerevan today. A few hundred participants of the protest action
complained of the rigged presidential election of 2008. At the
intersection of Abobyan and Sayat-Nova streets the protesters made an
attempt to break through a police cordon.

As the pavements of Abovyan street are narrow the protesters marched
along the street which aroused policemen’s indignation. Chaining the
street and forming a barrier they demanded that the marchers walk
along the pavements. To avoid a clash with policemen the marchers sat
on the ground, stretched out their hands and began signing and
shouting out "Freedom." Just at that moment policemen and red hats
forced them off the street truncheoning and beating.

HAK activist Sargis Khachatryan soon fell sick and was taken to
hospital. Another protest participant, Vahagn Gevorgyan, was driven in
an unknown direction by policemen and released in 10 minutes. Further
on, near the HAK office, the police arrested another 5 activists.

Protesters’ inquiries about the arrested activists were met with silence.

Kamalian Hagop:
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