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Police Chief: I haven’t instructed cops to shop at son’s supermarket

Yerevan Police Chief – `I haven’t instructed cops to shop at my son’s
2010/02/19 | 17:17

soc iety

Ararat Davtyan
Yerevan Police Chief confessed today, when questioned by reporters,
that his son was the owner of the `Moskvichka’ supermarket chain. It
seems that a newspaper had hinted that Chief Nazaryan had advised mid
and low-level police employees to do their family shopping at the
`Moskvichka’ stores.

The newspaper in question went so far as to imply that mechanisms were
enacted to single out cops who heeded the call of their boss and that
sales receipts were posted in a police registry. Chief Nazaryan denied
the allegations and said that he `wouldn’t stop so low as to force
police officers to shop at those stores.’

Kajoyan Gevork:
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