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BAKU; Facts Of Isolation Cannot Go Unnoticed For Yerevan


Feb 23 2010

Elshad Iskenderov "The statement by the Armenian minister is intended
for the internal audience.

Yerevan can no longer close eyes on the facts of its own isolation
and the waves of accusations addressed to the Armenian regime in the
result of the proactive implementation of the international campaign
of Justice for Khojaly", said Elshad Iskenderov, secretary general
of the OIC Youth Forum and Azerbaijan’s Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary, commenting on the statement from the Armenian
foreign minister according to whom OIC countries always vote against
a non-Muslim state.

"The first reaction of the regime was the attempt to prohibit any hints
on the campaign. Thus, in mid 2009 the Armenian authorities blocked the
access to the website of the campaign in an an attempt to deprive its
citizens of the objective evidences of the tragedy in Khojaly. Later
Yerevan attempted to resist the campaign on the international level.

In December of the last year Armenian ambassador in Switzerland
Charles Aznavour appealed to the UN Geneva office in an unsuccessful
attempt to prevent an international conference that discussed the
Khojaly massacres along with genocide in Srebrennica and Ruanda. But
despite the efforts of the Armenian authorities and their lobbyists,
the campaign is being successfully implemented, expanding the geography
and understanding level.

The result is obvious: the international organization uniting the
parliaments of 51th countries for the first time recognized the
massacres in Khojaly, using the legal term ‘crime against humanity’.

This is a victory of justice which affects the diplomatic positions
of Armenia that cannot go unnoticed. The regime has chosen the next
tactics of belittling this historical decision through leveling the
role of the organization", said Elshad Iskenderov.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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