BAKU: Will Edward Nalbandian Celebrate His Two-Year Term As Foreign

H. Hamidov

Feb 23 2010

Fifty-three-year-old Nalbandian, who will celebrate his next birthday
July 16, seems to be tired.

He is tired mentally. Perhaps he is also tired physically. He needs an
early holiday outside Armenia. If he does not take drastic measures
in the near future, the tensions he is experiencing will seriously
and permanently strike at his already tottering health.

We all know what riders did to their horses in the 19th century during
long travels. But Nalbandian has been overworked. Indeed, Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan has no mercy for the health of his minister,
and he may soon travel without him.

No one will envy Nalbandian. In addition to the direct execution of
the foreign minister’s functions, he serves as a spokesperson and
a herald for Sargsyan – more or less as a whipping boy. A boy to be
beaten by strangers.

Nalbandian is always at the forefront and always repulses the strikes
of opponents on the domestic and foreign arena. He is tasked with
protecting the morale of his boss and condemning anyone who dares
to offend Sargsyan. He represents the president’s interests in
parliament, taking more than one verbal slap, among other things,
for the president. We see the same picture on numerous cases including
in the relations with Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia and the West.

In addition, Nalbandian does not have good aids capable of improving
the plight of their boss. An example is Shavarsh Kocharian, a
biologist by education, whose every other statement soon becomes talk
of the town.

Stress, fatigue and regular stress seriously made themselves felt
when Nalbandian suddenly said that Azerbaijan has occupied its own

It remains unknown what happened to Nalbandian before he made this
statement. It is possible that he indulged his favorite Armenian
cognac or at least favorite French wine moments before. Perhaps, the
minister’s nervous breakdown caused this statement. This statement
shows that Nalbandian should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Armenian media will continue to savor the statements of
the minister and the ministry’s Spokesperson Tigran Balyan and go on
explaining what Nalbandian actually wanted to say, making the final
statement of the minister even more confusing and stupid.

Nalbandian will celebrate second anniversary of his post as foreign
minister April 14. He should better see doctor in-country or travel
abroad as soon as possible (the squalid medical facilities in Armenia
certainly will not help), at least to Sochi or Essentuki to rest
his nerves.

He should not delay his trip, otherwise it will be just as in the
joke below:

– Doctor, today I feel much better. Be kind, stop my treatment and
tell me how much I need to pay.

– What are you saying? You are not healthy enough for such shock…