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Draft Amendments To Law On International Agreements Submitted To Par


Feb 23 2010

On February 23 the Armenian Parliament discussed draft amendments to
the RA Law on International Agreements.

RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, who presented the draft,
stated that the document allows one of the parties to withdraw from an
international agreement at any stage before the process is completed.

He stressed that the draft amendments provide for the suspension and
termination of signing and ratification processes for international
agreements. Nalbandian stated that Point 18 of the Vienna Convention,
which provides for this procedure, has not been incorporated in
Armenian laws. "The draft amendments are designed to establish this
institute in Armenia," the Minister said.

Nalbandian evaded a question as to whether the draft amendments have
anything in common with the RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s statement
that the procedure of signing international agreements had to be
amended, which would allow Armenia to withdraw from Armenian-Turkish
agreements. As regards the resumption of signing or ratification
processes after they have been suspended, the Minister said that the
"proposal could be considered."

The opposition party Heritage was severely critical of the draft
amendments and stated its intention to vote against it. The ex-speaker
of the RA Parliament Tigran Torosyan stated he wanted to center on
the draft rather than on the Armenian-Turkish protocols. He hopes
the protocols will not at all be discussed in Parliament. "First,
the draft must deal with the termination of the ‘process’, rather
than ‘procedure’, of adopting international agreements. Moreover, I
do not see any sense in adopting such a document, as it is not of any
benefit to the Armenian side. The President could exercise his powers
and put an end to the process at any moment, and the Armenian side
could withdraw by making a relevant statement. If the Armenian side
hopes to influence Turkey by means of this draft, it is a mistake,"
Torosyan said.

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