HAK Unveils Outlines Of Economic "Reform" Package

Arman Gharibyan

2010/02/23 | 13:10


Levon Zurabyan, a representative of the opposition HAK political
alliance, presented a broad outline of the organization’s economic
platform entitled "100 Steps" and said that the full program will
soon be unveiled to the public.

Mr. Zurabyan said the program offers specific solutions and mechanisms
to develop the ailing Armenian economic sector and to create a level
competitive playing field for Armenian citizens.

"The program aims to structurally transform the current economic
system, where resources and opportunities are monopolized by a
few oligarchs, to one where large numbers of average Armenians can
successfully participate in business and enjoy the support of the
government," Mr. Zurabyan declared.

The program is the work of HAK’s economic commission, headed by former
RoA Prime Minister Hrant Bagratyan.

Mr. Zurabyan stated that for the current regime to implement the
"100 Step Program" it would mean committing "suicide" for it would
open up the closed economy to broad-based competition and that this
goes against the wishes of the government.

"Hetq" asked Mr. Zurabyan about the possibility of implementing the
program if HAK were to come to power. "This is a very realistic
program. The Armenian economy is headed to ruin if it isn’t
implemented. What isn’t realistic is to believe that the current
regime can be preserved forever."
