Armenian President Meets Public Council Members

feb 24 2010

On February 24, RA President Serzh Sargsyan held a meeting with the
RA Public Council members. The sides discussed agricultural and IT
development problems.

The RA presidential press office informed told that, due to
media reports and his meetings with Council Chairman Vazgen Manukyan,
the President is well informed of the Council’s tremendous work
in various fields – from Armenian-Turkish relations to improvement
of broadcasting.

Discussing the agricultural problems, the participants in the meeting
singled out the problem of enlarging uncultivated areas. They pointed
out it is a threat to the sector’s development. The Council’s workgroup
presented proposals for development of agricultural cooperation to
the President. The Council members believe that the cooperation will
not only resolve the efficient agriculture problem, but also encourage
people to continue in the rural areas.

The President stated the issue needs considering in the context of
the equal territorial development strategy, which will enable rural
areas to realize their potential.

The sides also discussed prices for and quality of Internet services,
which, as the Council members believe, do not at all aid IT development
and IT availability to the population.

The Armenian President pointed out that any delay in improving the
communication quality and computerization can affect the country’s

The President proposed summing up the opinions and elaborating specific
measures in cooperation with the RA Government.