Letter Of RA’s Permanent Representative On Occasion On Anniversary O


Noyan Tapan
Feb 24, 2010

NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 24, NOYAN TAPAN. On the occasion of Sumgayit and
Baku tragic events, massacres committed against the Armenian population
the letter of RA Permanent Representative, Ambassador Karen Nazarian
addressed to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was spread as that
organization’s official document.

The letter referring to international community’s disorientation
aimed at the cheap agitation and false facts constantly spread by
the Azeri government mentioned that Azerbaijan continues presenting
itself as a victim of the so-called "Armenian aggression" for that
purpose misrepresenting not only the tragic events well-known to the
world but also former citations of Azeri sources.

K. Nazarian, in particular, cities former Azeri President Ayaz
Mutalibov’s well-knwon interview where speaking about Khojalu’s events
the latter describes how Azerbaijan’s opposition and militia hindered
withdrawal of the civil population from the zone of operations through
the mountainous corridor. The opposition hoped to achieve power in
Baku through the massacre of its very compatriots. The letter also
cited the 1992 September report of the The Helsinki Watch organization
which mentioned the evidence of the very Azeris about Azeri militia’s
firing at the flying off civil population.

The letter also emphasized that the international community has
repeatedly confirmed many barbarities carried out by Azerbaijan’s
government to the defenseless Armenian population. "In response to
Nagorno Karabakh people’s peaceful and constitutional demand of using
its right of self-determination the Azeri authorities organized and
armed the crowd which in 1988 committed a slaughter to the Armenians
living in the town of Sumgayit. This massacre was the first case of
mass murders in the territory of Soviet Union which was correspondingly
fixed in the legal cases. Azerbaijan immediately after proclaiming its
independence released the convicted murderers and publicly proclaimed
them national heroes. The Helsinki Watch organization’s report is
evidence that the events had a goal to intimidate the Armenians living
in Azerbaijan’s other regions."

According to the RA Foreign Ministry Press and Information Department,
K. Nazarian also mentioned that the massacres committed in 1988-1991
in Gandzak, Azerbaijan’s other towns were more than mass and
barbaric and resulted in extermination and deportation of half a
million Armenians. These cruelties were followed by unprecedented
aggressive actions of the Azeri armed forces aimed at Nagorno Karabakh
population’s extermination.

The letter of Armenia’s Ambassador which is also addressed to the UN
Security Council and General Assembly is concluded by the following
thought: "It should be finally and once and for all become clear that
Azerbaijan started the armed aggression against Nagorno Karabakh.

Armenia is convinced that the best solution in this situation is the
restoration of Nagorno Karabakh people’s legal demand to exercise
the inviolable right of nations for self-determination."