UN Office supports discussion among authorities, Nat’l minorities

UN Department of Public Information
Arminé Halajyan, Information Officer
Yerevan Office, Armenia
e-mail: [email protected]

UN Office in Armenia supports discussion among authorities and national
minorities dedicated to the International Mother Language Day

Yerevan, 25 February 2010 – Eleven national minorities, government and
legislature representatives gathered today at a round table discussion to
talk about issues of equal rights, equal opportunities for national
minorities in Armenia. The event was supported by the UN Department of
Public Information and was conducted on the occasion of International Mother
Language Day.

Representatives from the office of Armenian President, from the Government
Department of National Minorities and Religious Affairs, Ministries of
Culture, Education, Science, and Diaspora, from the National Assembly
Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport,
Committee on National Minorities of the Public Council and National
Inspectorate of Language also discussed with the national minorities the
situation with promotion and preservation of national minorities languages
in Armenia, stressing the human rights aspect of the issue as well.

Director-General of UNESCO Ms. Irina Bokova in her message for International
Mother Language Day said: `Languages are the best vehicles of mutual
understanding and tolerance. Respect for all languages is a key factor for
ensuring peaceful coexistence, without exclusion, of societies and all of
their members."

UN Department of Public Information Representative Maria Dotsenko stated:
`Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing
our heritage. Promotion and protection of mother tongues serves not only to
encourage linguistic diversity and multilingual education but also to
develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions and to
inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.’

`The situation in Armenia is unique in the sense of celebrating this UN
Observance. Since 2006 International Mother Language Day has been announced
as a National Holiday. Moreover, 2010 has been announced a Year of Mother
Language. However, we are going to continue supporting the development and
promotion of national minorities and their languages in Armenia,’ said
Vardan Astsatryan, head of the Government Department of National Minorities
and Religious Affairs.

Representatives of national minorities thanked the UN Office that they were
given this opportunity to talk about their issues. They voiced hope to
continue cooperation with the UN agencies working in the country.

International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference
of UNESCO in November 1999. The eleventh International Mother Language Day,
which is designated on 21 February 2010, is being celebrated in the
framework of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
