ANKARA: Davutoglu Meets With Sarksyan In Kiev


Today’s Zaman
Feb 26 2010

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Armenian President Serzh
Sarksyan comprehensively discussed developments in the Caucasus and
the normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations during their meeting
in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, the Anatolia news agency reported
on Thursday.

Following the meeting, Davutoglu told reporters that he had conveyed
the Turkish side’s concerns to Sarksyan during the meeting. "We also
discussed what should be done in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. I
had the chance to convey our concerns, views and our vision for the
region to Sarksyan," he said.

Speaking about the ideal Caucasus that Turkey would like to see,
Davutoglu said Turkey wants a Caucasus which does not suffer from
obstacles, occupation and prejudice, but which has peace, prosperity
and stability. "There must be dialogue to realize this vision,"
he added.

Davutoglu participated in the inauguration of Ukrainian President
Viktor Yanukovich in Kiev. Yanukovich was elected president following
a second round of elections held in Ukraine on Feb. 7.