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Domestic Political Tension In Turkey May Affect Armenian-Turkish Pro


Feb 26 2010

RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s latest statement that Turkey could reopen
the border even before the protocols are ratified was a gentle hint to
the Turkish Government that it should not lay the whole responsibility
for the fate of the protocols on the Turkish Parliament, Vice-Speaker
of the RA Parliament Samvel Nikoyan, (Republican Party of Armenia,
RPA) told NEWS.am.

"By making that statement Serzh Sargsyan could have meant that the
Turkish Government can at least be responsible for its own steps
even if it is unable to guarantee the Parliament’s decision on the
Armenian-Turkish protocols. In this context, nothing prevents the
Turkish Government from making a political decision and reopening
the borders it itself closed before if, of course, Ankara is really
interested in normalizing its relations with Yerevan," Nikoyan said.

He also stated that, during his talk with the Turkish FM, the Armenian
leader reaffirmed Yerevan’s determination to withdraw from the
negotiations if Ankara continues delaying the ratification or linking
it to the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. "The amendments to the RA
Law on International Agreements adopted by the Armenian Parliament
are another instrument for Yerevan to realize its plans," Nikoyan said.

As regards the impact the domestic political tension in Turkey may
have on the Armenian-Turkish protocols, Nikoyan said: "Bad." According
to him, the Turkish opposition forces are exploring every avenue to
pressure the authorities, which creates problems for the protocols.

"But I should note that it is not the domestic political situation
in the country, but the factor of Azerbaijan, that plays a more
important role in the Turkish Parliament’s delaying the ratification,"
Nikoyan said.

At a reception held on the occasion of presidential inauguration in
Ukraine, Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu approached RA President Serzh
Sargsyan, and the two exchanged views. The Armenian leader stressed
that progress in Armenian-Turkish relations requires political will,
and Armenia believes the process must reach its logical end within the
shortest period. Otherwise, Yerevan will withdraw its signature from
the documents. The Armenian leader restated that Turkey’s involvement
in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process is out of the question, as
that country renders political assistance to one of the conflicting
parties, Azerbaijan, and has made repeated biased statements on the
settlement process.

"A country dreaming of a region without borders must first of
all remove Armenia’s blockade, which will enable the reopening of
communication in the region. If Azerbaijan’s pressure prevents the
Turkish Parliament from ratifying the Armenian-Turkish protocols -"
the Armenian leader said.

Tashjian Arbi:
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