Special Indexes Of NKR Material Production On January 2010


26-02-2 010

Industry: On January 2010 industrial production of 2643.2 million
drams has turned out by real prices in the republic. With regard to
January 2009 an index of physical volume by comparable prices has
compiled 110.3 per cent.

The structure of produced industrial production, according to the
main species of economic activity is the following: mine industry –
40.2 per cent, cultivating industry – 23.1 per cent, production and
allocation of electricity, gas, water – 36.7 per cent. In the period
under review the volume of production of consumer goods has compiled
384.4 million drams, increasing by 0.9 per cent in comparison with
the previous year. On January 2010, by real acting prices realization
of finished articles has compiled 2576.6 million drams, the level of
realization – 97.5 per cent.

An average number of industrial-productive stuff has compiled 5118
persons, productivity of work – 516.5 thousand drams.

Agriculture: On January 2010, 169.0 tons cattle and bird have been
realized, 1815.1 tons milk, 1577.5 thousand eggs have been produced
in the republic.

Construction: On January 2010 construction of 518.9 million drams
has been realized in the republic, instead of 960.2 million drams of
January 2009. NKR National Statistical Service
