What Hinders To Open The Border


11:01:11 – 26/02/2010

In response to the request to comment on the statement of the Turkish
foreign minister, the staff of the president answered that in Kiev
the Armenian president did not receive the Turkish foreign minister.

Among other invited persons, Davutoglu participated in the swearing-in
ceremony of the Ukrainian newly-elected president where he approached
Serge Sargsyan and exchanged opinions with him.

Serge Sargsyan underlined that political will is needed to move
forward and Armenia thinks the current process is to be taken to its
logical conclusion as soon as possible otherwise, as it was stated
previously, the Republic of Armenia will renounce from its signature
of the protocols.

He reiterated that the involvement of Turkey in the settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh issue is impossible because it is a country providing
with unilateral military aid one of the conflicting sides-Azerbaijan,
and always issues partial statements.

Sargsyan told his collocutor that a country which dreams about a region
without borders has to do the first step to eliminate the blockade of
Armenia which will enable communication and transport infrastructures
to function in the region. He said that if the Azerbaijani repression
does not let the Turkish parliament ratify the protocols, nothing
holds back Turkey from opening the border that it once closed. The
press service of the president reports.
