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22 years since Sumgayit pogroms

14:33 26/02/2010 » Politics
22 years since Sumgayit pogroms

22 years have passed since terrible, bloody pogroms in Sumgayit.
According to the Soviet Union official statistics, several dozens of
Armenians were killed in pogroms carried out by Azerbaijan, though,
the exact figures reach several hundreds.

As estimated, one of the victims, 1961-year-born Lola Avagyan was
first made out of home and forced to dance, then was slashed in
different parts of body with a knife, her breast was cut. They burnt
her body with a cigarette, then raped her. Her body could hardly be
recognized by her relatives.

Details are available at

Armenia has sheltered 360 thousand refugees who fled from Sumgayit and
other Azerbaijani residences.

`People who have resided there for generations were left homeless
within several weeks,’ the head of the Migration Agency at the
Ministry of Territorial Administration Gagik Yeganyan told a press
conference today. This was the cost that the Armenians in Sumgayit had
to pay en route Artsakh de facto independence. Almost all Armenians
had to pay.

Source: Panorama.am

Khoyetsian Rose:
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