Armenian leader opposes Turkey’s mediation in Karabakh talks

Mediamax, Armenia
Feb 26 2010

Armenian leader opposes Turkey’s mediation in Karabakh talks

Yerevan, 26 February: Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has told
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu that he considers that Ankara
cannot be involved in the Karabakh conflict settlement process because
of the Turkish side’s openly biased stance.

The Armenian president and the Turkish foreign minister exchanged
views in Kiev on 25 February during a reception on the occasion of the
Ukrainian president’s inauguration, the [Armenian] presidential
administration told Mediamax. The presidential administration denied
reports that Serzh Sargsyan received the Turkish foreign minister.

During the exchange of views, the Armenian president told the Turkish
foreign minister that the ratification of the signed protocols should
be completed as soon as possible, otherwise Armenia would recall its
signature under the documents.

"The country that dreams of a region with no borders should itself
make a first step and stop the blockade of Armenia’s borders, that
will make it possible to open telecommunication and transport
infrastructures in the region. If Azerbaijan’s pressure does not allow
the Turkish parliament to ratify the protocols, nothing prevents
Turkey’s executive authorities from opening the border they had closed
prior to the ratification of the protocols," Serzh Sargsyan said.