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Former Ambassador Rouben Shougarian of Wellesley to present new book

Wellesley Townsman – MA
Feb 27 2010

Former Ambassador Rouben Shougarian of Wellesley to present new book
at Armenian Library and Museum of America

By Staff reports
GateHouse News Service
Posted Feb 26, 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Wellesley ‘ Former Ambassador Rouben Shougarian, a Wellesley resident,
will be presenting his new book, `West of Eden, East of the
Chessboard: Four Philosophical Looks Upon the Unknown’ (Gomidas
Institute; $22) at the Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA)
in Watertown on March 3 at 7:30 p.m.

Shougarian was the first Armenian Ambassador to the United States
(1993-1999), Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia
(1999-2005) and Ambassador to Italy, Spain and Portugal (2005-2008).
He currently teaches at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at
Tufts University in Massachusetts.

`West of Eden’ examines freedom, war and nationalism through the lens
of vampire novels by Anne Rice, Donald Rumsfeld’s poetry (yes, the
former U.S. Defense Secretary is a poet, too), James Joyce’s `Ulysses’
and the Book of Genesis.

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Vardanian Garo:
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