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Films unveiling truth: `Baku, January 1990: Ordinary Genocide’ …

16:43 27/02/2010 » Society
Films unveiling truth: `Baku, January 1990: Ordinary Genocide’ and
`Sumgait, February 1988′

On the eve of paying tribute to Sumgait massacre `Ordinary Genocide’
film series – `Baku, January 1990, ordinary genocide’ and `Sumgait,
February 1988′ documentaries have been demonstrated in
Armenian-Slavonic University.

The film was produced by `Center of Public Relations and Information’
department of Armenian President’s Administration and is dedicated to
20th tribute of genocide victims.

Journalist Marina Grigoryan, the project manager of `Ordinary
Genocide’ told the reporters that an attempt has been made to unveil
the truth of Azerbaijan in 1988-1992. `That is a series of genocide
acts started in Sumgait, continues in Gandzak, Baku, Maraga. And we
have its final expression in Budapest the murder of Armenian officer,’
she said.

The reporter said many may think that Sumgait had been a sort of
response given to Nagorno-Karabakh Febrary 20 decision but they are
mistaken as they started yet in 1987 from Chardaglu attacks. The film
demonstrates that Azerbaijan had been long planning those brutalities.

Arman Saghatelyan, the vice president of `Armenian association of
public relations’ told that those two documentaries are just part of
`Ordinary Genocide’ project. `Yet we don’t have any legal or political
assessment of those events. Such crimes can’t remain unpunished
because they may give birth to other crimes,’ he said.

Source: Panorama.am

Boshkezenian Garik:
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