ACA Texas Urges Genocide Bill Passage


03.03.2010 13:49 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Texas branch of the Armenian Council of America
along with Armenian American citizens of Texas are strongly urging
their Texas Representatives in the Foreign Affairs Committee to
co-sponsor and vote for House Resolution 252 in the upcoming March
4 hearing. H.R. 252 calls upon President Obama to ensure that the
foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding
and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic
cleansing and genocide documented in the United States record relating
to the Armenian Genocide.

"As Armenian Americans in Texas, I believe that it is our duty to
contact our representatives in Congress to urge them to vote on this
crucial bill," said Sarkis Ohanian, Chairman of ACA – Texas. "As of
today, out of the five Texas Congressional members, Representative
McCaul is the only one that has cosponsored the bill. I am hopeful
the remaining representatives respond favorably and do the right
thing by voting, not only for their constituency, but for mankind
and human rights as a whole," added Ohanian.

The Texas Congressional delegation comprised of Representatives Ted
Poe, Ron Paul, Gene Greene, Michael T. McCall and Sheila Jackson Lee
makes up the second largest State delegation within the Committee.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman has scheduled
a vote on the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.252) on March
4. Over 137 House Members have cosponsored this measure, spearheaded
by Representatives Adam Schiff, George Radanovich, and Congressional
Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone and Mark Kirk. A similar
measure in the Senate (S.Res.316) is led by Senators Bob Menendez
and John Ensign and currently has 13 cosponsors.

The Armenian Council of America is a grassroots organization dedicated
to work with all political leaders, offering Armenian related news,
analysis and resources for policymakers, media, students and activists,
advocating issues important to Armenian Americans. The Armenian
Council of America aims to strengthen U.S. – Armenia and U.S.

– Nagorno Karabakh ties, the development of programs promoting
sustainable economic growth and good governance in Armenia, while
promoting the values and responsibilities of global citizenship.